Barry's Filmography
Cirque de Mented (In Development) - Schizo the Clown
Deadlock (In Production) - Cpl. Jake Borden
Ghostbusters (2016) - Concert Goer
The Rude, the Mad, and the Funny (2014) - Audience Member (uncredited)
Thou Shall Kill: The Harvest (2013) - Deputy Cooper
Here Comes the Boom - Jumping Spectator (uncredited)
Meat Me in Plainville (2011) - Timothy Thomas
The Viper (2011) - Guy/Frank/The Viper
The Terror Texter (2011) Officer Randy Marcus/Landlord
'Til Death Do Us Part (2011) Sam McGinley/Detective Campbell
Snap Shot (2010) - Sleazy Agent
The Fighter (2010)- Fight Spectator (uncredited)
The Grave Robber (2010) - The Grave Robber/"Give It Back!" Voice
Mission Park (2010) - Police Officer
Visions of Vengance 2: Night Terrors (2010) - Terry/Johnny Thornhill
Visions of Vengance (2009) - Tim/Johnny Thornhill
Shades of Evil (2009) - Cop 2
What Doesn't Kill You (2008) - Prison Inmate (uncredited)
Plan 9 From Outer Space: The Series (In Development) - Commander Eros/Inspector Daniel Clay
The Barry Ace Project (In Development) - Himself/Various
Mission Park: Street Stories (2016) - Special Agent Pierce Styles
Dante's Domicile (2013-present) - Dante Darrk/Host/Himself
High Heel Samurai - Special Agent Pierce Styles
The Bob Show (2007-2013) - Various
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